Sunday, December 6, 2009

Capsule Review: No Country For Old Men (2007)

After a series of critical disappointments, the Coen brothers made a major comeback with their adaptation of Cormac McCarthy's novel No Country For Old Men. Featuring one of cinema's most memorably terrifying creations in Anton Chigurh (Javier Bardem), the twisting plot – about Llewelyn Moss (Josh Brolin) and his attempts to hide the money he finds in the aftermath of a mexican stand-off, as well as the retiring Sheriff Bell (Tommy Lee Jones) coming to terms with his place in what he sees as an increasingly violent world – comes to a surprising climax which confused some viewers not used to the Coen brothers style. Featuring some great supporting performances, the Coens punctuate scenes of surprising violence and intense suspense with their usual twisted sense of humor. A wonderful balancing act that rewards repeat viewings.

1 comment:

J.T. said...

Man, I loved every frame of this movie.

The Coen's had a good run up to Intolerable Cruelty and The Ladykillers. A two-film lapse in consitancy isn't all that bad, and they've recovered nicely since No Country For Old Men.

They haven't been knocked back on their heels for the length of time that the Warchowski's or the Hudlin's have been.